How to support children when a prominent public figure dies suddenly

When a public figure dies suddenly, it can be hard to understand. There may be lots of different information in the media, some of which can be confusing or sometimes even inaccurate.  Or information may be updated and change quite quickly.   It can feel like you can’t get away from the news, with everyone talking about it. 

This might bring up memories for children and young people about what it was like for them when someone important to them died. Some of the things being talked about in the media may be similar to their own experiences.  It’s important to try and talk with your children about what has happened, being as factual as you’re able to be.

We know that news like the death of a young pop star, for example, can trigger memories and emotions that can be hard to face. Here are some tips that can help you to support your child.

Following the death of anyone, children can become worried that the same is going to happen to other important people in their lives. It can be helpful to reassure children, where possible that this isn’t about to happen. It is important, however, not to make impossible promises.

We have guidance sheets on our website here, which share things to be considerate of in this situation. Use clear and concise language. Avoid using words or phrases like ‘loss’ or ‘gone away’. Although it can feel a bit clinical, using factual words like ‘death’ and ‘died’ can be a lot clearer and easier to understand for children.

Children may have lots of questions about what has happened.  Whilst a lot of questions might happen immediately, sometimes it can be a while after the event that more questions are asked. This is the same when anyone important to your child dies.  Everyone has their own ways of dealing with death, and we all work on different time frames when we process news which is hard to understand.  Children particularly can react to grief quite differently to adults, and might show outward signs of grief one minute and the next they are playing happily with a sibling again.

Children look to their parents, carers, teachers to help them understand what has happened. They need support to understand why they are feeling how they do. It’s important to share with children and young people that it’s okay to feel sad, angry, upset about the death of someone significant, and that it can be helpful to talk with an adult about how they’re feeling. It is equally helpful for children and young people to be told that everyone grieves in their own way, and that there’s no right or wrong about how they feel.


If you would like to talk with one of the team here at Guy’s Gift to find out how we can offer support for grieving children and young people, please get in touch by calling 0845 467 3035 or email

Children's Grief Awareness Week 2023

It’s Children’s Grief Awareness Week this week (16th - 22nd November), and we’ve held ‘Sharing Shape’ activities in the run up to the week again.

The Sharing Shapes activity is hosted by the Childhood Bereavement Network, and it’s a national activity which brings together bereaved children and young people across the UK to create a shared piece of artwork. This year, the theme is ‘The Shape of Your Support’ and we asked children and young people to share with us who or what supports them with their grief. This has opened up conversations about what support can look like and how different people can offer different ways to support at different times.

Below, you’ll see the shapes which have been shared with us so far (and shared for the national mural too). If you’d like to complete this activity with your child, or a child in your care then we’d love to see what they come up with too!

Guy's Gift: 15th Anniversary

Guy's Gift: 15th Anniversary

At the end of 2023, Guy’s Gift will have been providing bereavement support and counselling across Coventry and Warwickshire for 15 years.  During this time, we have supported over 3000 children and young people who have experienced the death of someone important to them.

As we head towards this milestone, we would like to invite you to come up with fundraising ideas around the theme ‘15’.

Christmas after someone important has died

Christmas after someone important has died

For many people, Christmas is a wonderful time of year and something they look forward to.  However, if you have experienced the death of a loved one you may be feeling apprehension and uncertainty about the upcoming holidays. There’s no right or wrong way to be feeling at this time of year, whether it’s jumping straight into the festive period or giving yourself permission to not feel okay and to step back from traditions you might have previously loved being part of.