Volunteer's Week 2024

Volunteers’ Week (3rd to the 9th June) is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering - and in particular, we’d like to thank our wonderful team of volunteers here at Guy’s Gift.

Every day this week we are going to share one of our volunteer’s stories, over on our social media platforms.

As today is the first day of Volunteers Week 2024, we would like to offer a few words of thanks from the Guy’s Gift team: 

Thank you for all your new ideas for our bereavement support groups. The little animal figures have been a real success at the current groups, along with many other activities. Guy’s Gift are loving your creativity & imagination.
— Sophie Peel, Team Leader: Groups & Support to Support
Thank you to all of the wonderful Guy’s Gift volunteers. Without you we wouldn’t be able to support as many bereaved children and families as we do. You all have fantastic skills, ideas and are dedicated to the charity.  This week is all about celebrating you!
— Jacki George, Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Having established Guy’s Gift in 2008, it’s a pleasure to see a dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer team who have helped Guy’s Gift grow over the years, and have added a huge amount of value to the families who come to us for support. Thank you!
— Jackie Potter, Trustee
I have only been working with Guy’s Gift for a short period of time, but I can clearly see the value and importance of what you do, how your willingness to give your time and energy plays such an important role in helping Guy’s Gift fulfil its mission in supporting bereaved children, young people and their families across Coventry and Warwickshire. Thank you for your dedication and all that you do for this wonderful charity! 😊
— Sarah Fielding, Administration Assistant
I’d like to say thanks to the volunteers for supporting across a range of activity at Guy’s Gift. Those working in the background to help with fundraising, marketing, comms, etc. are our hidden gems. Along with those who support activities directly with children and young people. Guy’s Gift is a richer community with our volunteer support.
— Lisbeth Bakewell, Operations Manager
The volunteers are amazing - with their energy and commitment and are so appreciated, especially in terms of supporting work at groups without which it would be almost impossible to run effectively. A huge thank you to them.
— Libby Frost, Community Based Counsellor
Jacki George

Jacki joined the team at Guy’s Gift in January 2024, as our Volunteer Co-Ordinator.


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