Virtual Groups

Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic has put a stop to in-person interaction, largely since March 2020, we have had to get creative about how we work.

Last summer, we trialed on-line counselling and support. The team upskilled and put into practice working in new and (for Guy’s Gift) unchartered ways. This has been a huge success for Guy’s Gift, and we have been able to continue providing 1:1 counselling and support for bereaved children and young people across Coventry and Warwickshire.

In November, we trialed running our much loved group support sessions online too. This has enabled children and young people to come together, when there are so many limitations on this elsewhere. Children and young people have benefited from joining with other who have similar experiences and to process their grief.

Group Kit.jpg

These sessions are being run by our brilliant counselling and support team, with help from some of our fabulous volunteers too. Each participant in groups receives a resource kit to enable to them to join in with the group activity and to provide tangible ways to remember the person who has died.

If you’d like to find out more about our virtual groups, get in touch via our contact page.


Coop Community Virtual Coffee Mornings


Covid-19 Update: coming out of lockdown