EA Games

Bereavement support packs for local hospital

We’re always looking at how we can reach more bereaved children and young people across Coventry and Warwickshire. We know that whilst some children and young people benefit from direct support with us, many more benefit from having access to self support/support to support initiatives. In 2019 we began a project to provide bereavement resource packs into local school, with the first packs heading out at the start of the pandemic (good timing?). We’ve been working on a project to provide similar resources into local hospitals, with the key difference being that the pack would remain with the child or young person, rather than being a shared resource.

Back in May 2023, the wonderful people at Leamington Spa Rotary did a fundraiser, which has provided the cash for our pilot project. Now, some of our fabulous volunteers at EA Games in Southam are preparing the packs, ready to deliver to Warwick Hospital later this month. We’re hopeful that we can extend this project to other local hospitals later in 2024.

We take this opportunity to do a shout out to those brilliant members of our community who put time, energy and cash into supporting this project. This really is a great demonstration of how our local community pull together to ‘do good’ for those who need it. Thank you to each and every one of you!