Bereavement Resource Kits

We are excited to share with you a brand new project for Guy’s Gift which has been developed as part of our response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Our Bereavement Resource Kits have been developed as part of a project to have resources available for schools and families across Coventry and Warwickshire, which can support their grieving process.

Example Bereavement Resource Kit for Primary Schools

Example Bereavement Resource Kit for Primary Schools

There are times when Guy’s Gift can’t get to meet a chid or young person immediately, and at the moment we are unable visit schools at all.  We are offering both one-to-one and group work remotely using zoom, however this limits things like being able to share a book with one another. Our thought is that if the book is in school with the young person and a copy with their counsellor/bereavement support worker, then we can still share together despite being apart.

These books can be used in school for the child or young persons therapy session, could be taken home to read within the family, or the school may be able to use the books along with our recommended activity ideas within school too.

The very first resources are making their way out to a number of primary and secondary schools over the next couple of weeks, with more to follow soon hopefully.

Example Bereavement Resource Kit for Secondary Schools

Example Bereavement Resource Kit for Secondary Schools

This project has been made possible due to various generous donations from charitable trusts across the country who recognise the value books and resources like this can bring. We are still fundraising for this project to be able to provide books for more schools across Coventry and Warwickshire. If you would like to donate to this project you can do so here (please leave a note in the message space to tell us you would like the donation to go towards this project).

The resource kits come contained in a Guy’s Gift branded bag, along with one of our ‘Buddy Bears’. We’ll give a quick shout out here to the team at RT promotions who have done a wonderful job for us over the years with these products.

A member of staff at a local school we spoke with about this project told us that:

“As a Pastoral Manager of a large Primary School, I too am feeling the strain the that current circumstances are having on our children and families. There are more children feeling anxious, especially around the subject of illness and death and sadly more who have experienced the loss of someone they love.

Guys Gift have come up with this brilliant and creative way to try to tackle the new issues that have arisen together by equipping those on the frontline within schools with the tools needed for the job!“


If your school or college would like to be on the list for a resource kit, please complete the request form on the resources section of our website


Of course, this does not take away the value and importance of 1:1 or group sessions with our counselling and support team.
If you would like to make a referral into Guy’s Gift please call us on 0845 467 3035


Our 2020 'Virtual' Lantern Walk


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update September 2020