'Drop In' sesions for school professionals launched

This February, we’re launching a new project for Guy’s Gift; School’s Drop-In sessions.

These sesions are intended for school professionals to meet with one of the Guy’s Gift counselling and support team, and learn about how they can be supporting bereaved children and young people ahead of Guy’s Gift direct support.

The sessions will be running on a monthly basis, via video call. The first session will take place mid-February 2023.

The aim of the sessions is to provide an opportunity to speak with Guy’s Gift about supporting children following the death of someone important to them. it will give school professionals the chance to think specifically about what is happening for a child or young person in their school, or to gain ideas more generally.

There will be a focus on using resources, understanding what families are dealing with when someone has died, knowing how to work with grieving children and their families, self-care, and a forum for school professionals to ask us questions.

We look forward to getting this project up and running, and to supporting those already working with bereaved children and young people to feel better equipped to offer support in the first instance.

More information, and a sign up link to receive communications around ‘Drop-In’ support can be found here.

Guy’s Gift is a local charity, working across Coventry and Warwickshire to provide bereavement support for chidren and young people.
If you would like to donate towards this Guy’s Gift project (or others), you can do so over at our Just Giving page.


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Children's Grief Awareness Week 2022