Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: Moving more for our mental health

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the team have been out and about sharing information about Guy’s Gift across several Warwickshire College sites.

Did you manage to catch up with one of the team and find out more about bereavement support?

The theme of the week, this year, is ‘Movement: moving more for your mental health’.   It’s shown that moving more is good for your mental health, so we have been asking the team and some of the children and young people we work with what they find helpful.

We’ve heard from some children and young people that sport helps them to manage some of their feelings and emotions, particularly being active outdoors with friends. Others have told us that looking after their horse and being active when riding helps them feel more comfortable with some of their feelings after someone important has died.

One of our counsellors, Libby Frost, shared that she sometimes provides space to walk and talk during support sessions, and being able to do this has helped some children and young people enormously.

Sophie Peel, Delivery Team Leader (groups and support to support) shared that dance is a great outlet for emotions, and remembers this helping her when she was younger.  On the theme of dancing, Rebecca Hepburn talked about learning TikTok dances which are great for being active (and my goodness are some of them active!) and also often end up being lots of fun too.

The Mental Health Foundation share their tips for moving more for your mental health:  

Here at Guy’s Gift we’d love to hear from you too, about where you find your moments for movement, and how it works for you.

Whatever you do, we know the positive difference it can have. It sometimes feels hard to start with, but once you get going often it’s a lot of fun - and that simple act of movement is helping you too.


Did you know that volunteering with a charity can reduce your risk of developing age related diseases, keep your brain active, help to reduce blood pressure and even improve your mental health

If you would like to find out more about volunteering with Guy's Gift, please email

Tesco Fundraising Thanks!

Last week, Rebecca popped in to meet the team at Tesco in Atherstone, and to be presented with a cheque for Guy's Gift for £1000.

We've been part of the blue token scheme locally, and to be able to thank Tesco and all of you who put your blue tokens in the pot for us is really special. An extra thankyou to Tesco for donating some salt too, for children and young people to use when making memory jars!

We're currently in voting at stores in the Leamington and Warwick areas (Lillington Express, Leamington Parade, Warwick Superstore and Warwick Express. Aswell as in voting in the Southam store too. So if you're out shopping in those areas, please don't forget to grab your blue token and vote for Guy's Gift!

After all - Every Little Helps!

Hospital Support Packs delivered

On 14th March, we were delighted to see our Bereavement Support Packs delivered to Jackie Hobson and Debbie Sherwell at Warwick Hospital.

A huge thank you to Leamington Spa Rotary for their fundraising last year, and to Anna Lapworth, Mel Ayers and the team at EA Games in Southam for volunteering their time to put the packs together and deliver them to McGregor ward.

Sophie Peel (Delivery Team Leader - Groups and Support to Support) went along too, representing Guy’s Gift. Sophie will be supporting the team at the hospital further, with guidance on using the resources to help bereaved children and families.

Sophie shared that it was clear how passionate the team at the hospital are about the support Guy’s Gift are able to provide, and grateful they are to have resources to hand for when they are needed.

Remember, support with Guy’s Gift can be accessed by any child who has experienced the death of someone important to them. To make a referral, you can call us on 0845 467 3035 or complete the contact form here and one of the team will call you back.